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Pokémon Sleep will wake up from a deep sleep: new teaser and release date

Pokémon Sleep is one of those Nintendo mobile experiments. Announced four years ago, we once again have relevant information about this title of pocket creatures.

Nintendo made its particular 'Pokémon Presents' yesterday to announce news about the franchise and Pokémon Sleep was among them. With a brief teaser, we already have more information about what the game for smartphones will bring us.

Sleep monitoring for the 'little ones'

If we want to summarize in a few words what Pokémon Sleep is about, we can say that it is a Pokémon-themed sleep 'tracker'. This game will gamify our sleep and night rest. When we go to sleep, our phone will record and analyze the rest throughout the night.


Thus, it will show us statistics on the time we have spent asleep, how long it took us to reconcile it, and it will later break this time down into three sleep styles. These three styles are known by their English names: dozing, snoozing, and slumbering.

The title will show us which creatures share our same style, and they will appear around the sleeping Snorlax, which is the central axis of the island of Pokémon Sleep. As in any other Pokémon adventure, we will have a teacher, who in this case is called Neroli. He will guide us through the experience and investigate the sleeping habits of the monsters.

This is not the first time that the Pokémon saga flirts with health issues, and it is that Pokémon GO, along with its gadget, encourages us to walk and explore the world. Although it was initially scheduled for 2020, Pokémon Sleep will definitely arrive in the summer of this year, that is, in a few months.

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