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The inventor of the mobile phone argues that people are the future of smartphones.

Future generations, according to Martin Cooper, who is credited with creating the mobile phone, will have these gadgets integrated into their bodies.

The mobile phone is the most ground-breaking technological advancement of recent decades. Since its advent, society has developed to the point where it is unable to comprehend life without the benefits of this invention. Martin Cooper is credited with inventing the mobile phone, so his perspective on the technology's future is one that many can find useful. And he acknowledged that in the coming years, it appears that people and phones will merge, in a recent talk that CNBC covered.

According to Cooper, future generations will have "devices embedded under the skin of their ears," as he explained in that interview. So, according to the inventor of smartphones, we will eventually replace the physical models of today with smartphones that are integrated into our skin. In addition, he goes a step further and asserts that "the body is the perfect charger," a claim he supports by pointing out that when we eat food, we are able to produce energy. The simplicity of using a device, which Cooper thinks has been lost, appears to be the foundation of his idea.

Mobile devices of the future will be embedded in human skin.

Cooper believes that because of their numerous applications and screens that do not conform to the curvature of the human face, smartphones have become too complex. For this reason, he complains about how uncomfortable it is to make a call without a headset since he has to "carry that flat piece of material against my curved head", a situation to which he adds the obligation to "keep my arm raised in a awkward position. Additionally, he highlights additional factors like privacy and the issues that result from it.

Cooper, however, declares his "faith in humanity" as well as in the development of both this and technology. As a result, he believes that "people are better now" and emphasizes that they are wealthier, healthier, and live longer than ever. In addition, he showed his amazement for current mobiles, stating that he never imagined that they were the "laptop computers that they are today. To Cooper's dismay, a telecommunications behemoth like Nokia, however, thinks that a technology that hasn't quite taken off is what will ultimately determine the future of mobile phones.


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